Fathers Are Denied Parental Rights For Profit, Power And Family Destruction
March 31, 2023
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Fathers Are Denied Parental Rights For Profit, Power and Family Destruction
Shane Flait
Our government\’s constitutionally assigned sole function of securing the unalienable rights of its citizens has been hijacked by powerful special interest factions coupled with power hungry politicians to serve their own ends by the denial of rights to certain types of people – overwhelmingly fathers.
It does this by allowing the family court to effectively kidnap a fit father\’s children and then to extort almost endless and debilitating payments from him for the benefit of the state and the mother with no law that even requires them to be used for the child. By kidnapping, I mean no constitutional due process is required or used to deny the father\’s parental rights to put him in a slave position as a noncustodial parent.
This malicious divorce and paternity process remains in place because it produces profit, power and operational destruction of the family. That family is the patriarchal family that protects, nurtures, and supports men, women and children and represents the bulwark against the state-controlling tyranny over people that grows daily. In fact it is the most effective way to destroy the culture of freedom that has been our heritage.
The euphemistically called child support payments are not only outrageous in their amounts but are imposed only by the unconstitutional denial of a fit and willing parent of his parental right under the invalid greater good excuse – the best interest of the child. They are extorted from fathers by jail and other rights restrictions to him and more often than not put him into poverty and destroys his future and his relationship with his children. Again, no law requires the payments to be used for the child which attests to the phoniness of the name and excuse for imposing them.
These extortion payments benefit only the mother and her whims at the expense of her and the father\’s children (as most studies show) and at the expense of the unalienable rights of the father. But under the feminist agenda, they are \’empowering\’ women.
Those in power permitting this tyranny against fathers directly violate Federal Law Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242: Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. It states that it\’s a crime for any person, acting under color of law (and this includes federal, state or local officials who enforce statutes, ordinances, regulations, or customs) to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived the rights, privileges, or immunities of any person secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.
This tyranny against fathers, their rights, and family stems from the one-sided special interest faction that profoundly discriminates on the basis of sex – the feminist lobby and it politically and judicially situated adherents. If the denial of parental rights with its concomitant extorted noncustodial class was really an equal opportunity – or rather a forced equal outcome typical of feminist policy – rather than overwhelmingly imposed on fathers, this malicious family court system would be torn down in a minute.
Feminist-minded forces heavily embedded in the system decry equal parental rights for fathers time and again and work to maintain the family court\’s sex-based outcomes in favor of mothers and their entitlements at the expense of fathers\’ rights and children.
The interest faction that works against the unalienable rights of fathers is the feminist-instigated Divorce and Domestic Violence Industry, DDVI, which includes federal and state child support enforcement agencies as strong components of our powerful tax systems. Feminist forces strongly influence family court processes and appointments. The federal child support enforcement agency actually rewards states and family courts for the amount of child support collected with federal funds.
VAWA -Violence Against Women Act is heavily funded to foster feminist ideas of women victimization, male perpetrators, and the evils of patriarchy. Money available to DDVI runs to the hundreds of billions of dollars. It carries enormous power in lobbying, propagandizing, and instigating the development of feminist jurisprudence – a subjective evaluation of victimization.
Feminism\’s well-known ideology calls for the destruction of the patriarchal family, eliminating fathers\’ authority, and the empowerment of women. Its influence in family court law accounts for the growth of fatherlessness and for mothers filing 95% of the complaints to initiate divorce and paternity suits.
The propaganda of irresponsible fathers and deadbeat dads is heavily funded to brainwash the public to support anti-father punishments as well as intimidate fathers to comply with their slavery.
DDVI beneficiaries are millions of employees in enforcement, child support enforcement, divorce lawyers and affiliated social workers, and all those mothers that are virtually assured of getting physical and legal custody of their children and entitlement to weekly payments extorted from fathers unconstitutionally denied their parental right
*What Equal Rights and Constitutional Protections Means:
Fathers and mothers should be presumed fit unless proven otherwise under constitutionally required due process. Any abuse claimed should be recognized as abuse by the public – not the feminist ideologues\’ phony abuse terms – and then must be proved to the standard of \’beyond a reasonable doubt\’ like all real crimes.
Both fit parents under divorce and paternity suits should maintain full legal and physical custody of their children and agree between themselves how they wish to share time and any money for children. No obligation to pay the other parent extortion payments should be imposed because that\’s for criminal neglect.
If parents don\’t agree, both will have equal time – perhaps alternate weeks – each parenting his or her children during that time with all the responsibilities that parenting entails including supporting his or her children.
*The bottom line:
The bigger government gets, the more power it has to rule over and control people. And with bigger government comes increasing affiliation with special interest factions and their ideologies to tell government how to do this. Securing unalienable rights takes second place to tyrannical greater good excuse laws.
Fathers have lost their rights, families are being destroyed, and children are falling into more problems because of it. It\’s time to consider the Declaration of Independence\’s ultimate right of the people.
Shane Flait gives you the capability you need to fight for your rights in Family Court. Get his FREE Downloads at http://www.FathersRightsLegalAid.com Take his ecourse: How to Handle Your Family Court Case at http://www.fathersrightslegalaid.com/ourproducts.htm
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