Get Driving With A New Gps
February 4, 2022
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Submitted by: Marytk Hedani
Being a technology nerd, lots of you are fully aware of GPS devices and their positive aspects. It had been only not too long ago that a car would drive by with a gps mount on their dash (or in their dash) only to be noticed and admired by people. At this time, a gps in a vechicle, is very commonplace. This is especially true, given the large price reductions we have observed in this technology within the last 3 years or so. For me, it is just a essential tool on road trips as well as navigating about town.
It’s the ultimate present for anybody, from the new driver to the individual who thinks they always know where they’re going. The assortment of features available on the current devices are simply awesome. From whole listings of shopping locations, petrol stations, dining establishments, recreational areas, hospitals, and so on, there seriously is not much that isn’t already integrated inside the database to be discovered.
Features. The price range for most consumer models fall into the $69 to $399 range, with even more costly models out there. Among my favorite features would be the lane-change advisor, wihich tells you which lane to be within on a freeway when getting close to the turn off as well as exit. Additional features include, bluetooth ability, mp3 in addition to live traffic reporting. Everything simply just depends on what’s important to you.
As with any industry, there are the few so-called “big players” in the market. Currently, I’d have to say that Garmin, Magellan and Tom Tom are leading the way in the consumer market. They all make great units.
Of these three, I’d have to say that Garmin is the king. Their broad range of devices (for auto, marine, and handhelds), coupled with superior technology and quality make them the premier brand. Prices are also reflective of their “king” status. Tom Tom, in recent years, has become a major player in the conumser market. Magellan, my favorite, was actually the pioneeer in the GPS industry. You can’t go wrong with any of these manufacturers.
Okay, let’s get down to it and talk about features. Typically, almost any unit which you purchase from these corporations will include the following: a touch screen interface, voice guidance, an enormous database of “POI” (point of interests), as well as the ability to auto-calculate range and time, as well as automatic re-routing capabilities if you ever make a wrong turn, etc. All of these features can be had for around $100, if you look very carefully. Monitor sizes may be a bit on the small size at 3.5″, however.
Of course, if you just have to possess the top-of-the-line, bleeding-edge unit, be ready to spend a minimum of $300 or so. However, you will certainly get alot for the exta cash. At this level, you will experience all of the features earlier mentioned, and also such niceties as bluetooth technology for making as well as receiving phone calls in a hands-free manner, traffic updates in real-time, and also up-to-date weather conditions.
In the end, it’s up to you and your own budget. The technology has become inexpensive enough for many, and the ease-of-use is finally at an acceptable level. Therefore, dispose of your maps and get a gps and never be lost again. Happy travels!
About the Author: Yes, Mary is female and a gadget freak. For more info on gps devices and
, visit her site at
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